Why does this exist?

Well, a few billion years ago, there was the Big Bang and the-

ok, let’s be serious: There are oodles of roleplaying games, and a good chunk of them is about dungeons, some even have that in the name! Why am I writing another one of those? I guess the answer is because none of them really fit my personal needs, and I think my ideas might be useful for others too. So, this is what it is about:

Raiders of Arismyth is supposed to be a game where everyone can have fun exploring hidden and forgotten places, overcoming monsters, destroying an ancient evil and making off with plunder. They do so through telling interesting bits of story, making (hopefully) savvy decisions about their resources and tactical combat using miniatures and battlemaps.

It is not supposed to be a game that has lots of moving and interlocking parts, where you need to read up on a lot of things to master it. It isn’t supposed to simulate things on a minute level, and doesn’t treat all resources as equally interesting.

For example, it is of course important to have light so you can see, and interesting whether that light is just there or if you need to carry a torch. It is not interesting to count off torches and to keep track of how long one of them will burn.

So, Raiders of Arismyth is a game about the following bits that I find interesting:

  • moving miniatures around a battlemap
  • exploring lost places
  • defeating monsters and solving puzzles
  • making off with forgotten treasures

More later! 🙂

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