Darkness, light, and props
Most of the development for the game is triggered by things I discover in playtesting. Last weekend, light became important. The heroes were navigating a forgotten mine, and had to rely on torches to see things. But not all of them were carrying something to illuminate the pitch-black corridors of the mine. So we improvised…
As Raiders of Arismyth is a class-less system, learning magic is simply just another skill. Each spell is a skill you can learn, and making it better is done by buying Advancements. To cast a spell, you count the Advancements you have on that skill and that is how many dice you get to roll.…
Carrying capacity and consumables
When people enter a dungeon, they take things along, that get spent over time: Food rations, water, arrows, torches, and so on. There is a wide variety of ways of how games keep track of these things. Some don’t do that at all, but hand-wave such things away as minor annoyances. Raiders of Arismyth is…
how the dice pools work
There are a lot of different dice mechanics out there. Percentiles, roll under, roll over, pools, FUDGE dice, and variations for all of them. I started out this game with a simple d20-roll-over-10 mechanic, but eventually realised that this led to a few unconsistencies. After some experiments and calculations with AnyDice, I settled on a…
Why does this exist?
Well, a few billion years ago, there was the Big Bang and the- ok, let’s be serious: There are oodles of roleplaying games, and a good chunk of them is about dungeons, some even have that in the name! Why am I writing another one of those? I guess the answer is because none of…